AgriLab-Agriculture product laboratory center supplies for the clients the testing services with criteria as Trustful – Quick – Reasonable (Trustful result, quick method of sampling and returning resu

AgriLab-Agriculture product laboratory center supplies for the clients the testing services with criteria as Trustful – Quick – Reasonable (Trustful result, quick method of sampling and returning result, reasonable price). 

Our European advanced technology equipment system meeting VILAS standard is run by a team of experts with extensive professional knowledge and years of experience. Our clients will get the correct quality status of their product to meet designated market standards.    

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Testing fields:


Analyze microorganism and pathogenic microorganism indicators to announce food safety status. Determine the risks of poisoning or transmission of products (food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, industrial products, water, soil, air, etc.)

B. Spectrum and chromatography:

Help clients check pesticide residues, antibiotic residues, heavy metals, nutritional ingredients, etc of agricultural and aquatic products.

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